Things are looking up!
We hope you had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend full of relaxation and surviving the random hail storm.
70% of adults in our state are at least partially vaccinated! Bernalillo County is in the “Low-Risk” Turquoise zone of the Red to Green Framework. Nearly 50% of the country is also partially vaxxed. We’re almost there folks. More and more, we can see businesses opening up, and just on time for this nice summer weather. Things are looking up!
It’s the beginning of LGTBQ+ Pride Month! 🏳️🌈 Sage is meant to be a surrogate community. For many LGBTQ+ people, they can’t always turn to their blood family for support. We’re here to be a support system and safe space for those who need one.
Click here for some LGBTQ+ Resources in New Mexico
Things to be aware of:
- Dr. Tim Grenemyer has left Sage.
- June is Men’s Health Month and PTSD Awareness Month.
Sage is accepting new patients!!! Learn More Here
What’s New at Sage?
Sage providers will be returning to the office at the end of this month. If you have been a telehealth client for the past year, you can have some hope that you’ll be able to return to in-person appointments soon.
Sage Clinic is doing COVID-19 Antibody Testing
- Covid antibody testing is typically covered by insurance if a patient has symptoms. Please check with your insurance provider.
- Our cash price is $125. If you’re not an established patient we cannot bill insurance. Non-patients pay cash.
- There is an age limit on testing.
- Swabs are done in the nose. They’re not the same as PCR swabs, which are advanced to the back of the throat.
- Results should be available within 15 minutes to half an hour.
It’s important to note that these tests are not as reliable in asymptomatic individuals.
Sage is providing free tele-behavioral health services to individuals impacted by COVID-19. Those experiencing serious mental illness, Substance Use Disorders, or are healthcare workers in need of support are eligible for services.
Those services include:
- Crisis intervention
- Individual, family, and group counseling
- Mental health and substance abuse treatment
- Culturally congruent/cultural wellness services
- Linkages to services and supports (housing, food, employment)
You can contact or (505) 884-1114 ext. 603 to answer questions about eligibility for the E-COVID Grant.
In Case You Missed It…
Expanding Addiction Services to Rural Communities in NM: SOR Grant
One of Sage Neuroscience Center’s top priorities is enhancing the way we deliver behavioral and physical health care services to our communities in New Mexico. Rural New Mexicans are at a significant disadvantage with unequal access to care and treatment for alcohol and drug-related problems. Sage Neuroscience Center wants to help increase that access by making our services available (in-person or remotely via telehealth).
Call us today at (505) 502-4950 for more information.
Covid Updates
We are continuing to do our part by providing the safest care possible. Most of our staff members have already received the Pfizer vaccine. While we are still doing online appointments, we’re being very careful in the office with hygiene, distance, and masks.
We are still limiting our capacity for our in-person IOP.
We can only have five people in a room at a time.
On-going Precautions:
- Checking temperatures for all patients, staff, and providers coming into the office.
- Plexiglass at each of the check-in desks and the pharmacy.
- 6ft apart stickers on the floor for check-in lines to comply with social distancing.
- All individuals must wear masks inside of the clinic.
- If you have any shortness of breath, fever, cough, or loss of smell, please stay home!
- We are still limiting our capacity for our in-person IOP to five people in a room at a time.
Do you need help paying your rent?
The state of New Mexico has created an Emergency Rental Assistance Program.
Quotes of the Month
– Glenn Close
– Russell Wilson
– Zanele Muholi
If you are interested in learning more about our services or becoming a patient, visit our page Integrated Healthcare Services in New Mexico.
From the Sage Health and Wellness Blog
Social Media
You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Follow us on these platforms to join in on the conversation.
If you are interested in learning more about our services or becoming a patient, please contact us today.