If you don’t find what you are looking for, please call to speak with a member of our staff.
For Outside Referring Providers
Information for Referring Providers and Partners
If you don’t find what you are looking for, please call to speak with a member of our staff.
Information for Referring Providers and Partners
We accept most major insurance policies. However, there are some exceptions and exclusions, so please visit our Insurance Providers Accepted at Sage page to review which policies have limitations on their coverage. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call our office at 1 (505) 884-1114 and we will be happy to assist you further.
In order to change your insurance with us, please contact our office via phone, 1 (505) 884-1114. Remember to bring in your insurance card on your next visit. For more information about the insurance we take, please see above question “What insurance types do you accept”
The Federal Government and the State of New Mexico has classified medications into different “schedules” depending upon the type of medication. They mandate that medications that fall into certain categories require a hard copy prescription be written. All medical offices must follow the requirements for prescribing that are mandated by the pharmacy board and the government.
Each insurance company sets coverage benefits that define which medications they will cover as part of your plan. Often they will set up “tiers” of coverage which correlate with how much the copay is for the medication. For certain medications, the insurance will determine that a medication is not automatically covered but needs an authorization for approval. For these medications, the physician’s office needs to submit additional information to the insurance company stating why the patient needs the medication. The insurance company then decides whether or not they will approve it for the patient. Just a reminder, this process takes several days so we ask that you contact our office 5 days early so we can get this process taken care of for you.
For most medications, you can just call your pharmacy and have them fax us a refill request 505-884-3004. If your pharmacy tells you that you are out of refills or they require a hard copy of the prescription, please call our office and ask for the medical assistant for your provider. We can then take care of the medication request. Please call about 5 days before you run out of medication in the case prior authorization is required by your insurance. This requires several days for the insurance to approve. If you are having side effects or need a dosage adjustment, please call our office for instruction.