Learn tips for coping with anxiety, find out what’s new at Sage, and meet the new Community Outreach and Marketing Coordinator in the October 2021 edition of The Sage Digest!
Anxiety Coping Resources
Anxiety is something that everyone feels at one time or another. This is perfectly normal, and can be helpful in many day-to-day situations to help us push ourselves to meet our goals, do things we didn’t know we could do, and to stay alert. In fact, because ancient humans felt anxiety, it helped us survive as a species. It was very important for early humans to feel anxious and alert to many of the dangers of predators hunting them. Life has changed since those times, and unfortunately, what was beneficial to us in the past doesn’t always translate so well to the modern world. Anxiety can hinder our lives and, at its worst, become debilitating and lead to panic attacks and other serious conditions.
Tips for Coping with Anxiety
Many people are not aware that anxiety can have long-term effects on a body, especially when anxiousness is felt over long periods of time.
How CBD Can Help with Anxiety
Considering the prevalence of anxiety disorders, it isn’t surprising that countless individuals are seeking ways to better manage their conditions.
Take a Pill, Do a Skill
How to use the “Take a Pill, Do a Skill” method for Anxiety and Depression.
Is Social Media Creating Anxiety and Depression?
It’s important to acknowledge the negative impact social media can have on your life, and your mental health.
Sage is accepting new patients!!! Learn More Here
What’s New at Sage?
Sage’s Adult BHIOP is Now Available Online!
Sage’s virtual Adult Behavioral Health IOP is a great option for New Mexico residents outside Bernalillo County. Learn more about our BHIOP program to see if it’s the right fit for you.
Sage is Now Administering Vaccines!
We have the Moderna and the Pfizer Vaccine vaccine available for any current patient who wants one. Both are free, please call to book an appointment: 1 (505) 560-8048
Sage Welcomes Lydia Abshire, Community Outreach & Marketing Coordinator
Lydia is passionate about mental health and helping others in her community. She will be working to expand Sage’s reach across New Mexico to help residents find the services they need to lead happier and healthier lives.
Sage Clinic is doing COVID-19 Antibody Testing
- COVID antibody testing is typically covered by insurance if a patient has symptoms. Please check with your insurance provider.
- Our cash price is $125. If you’re not an established patient we cannot bill insurance. Non-patients pay cash.
- There is an age limit on testing.
- Swabs are done in the nose. They’re not the same as PCR swabs, which are advanced to the back of the throat.
- Results should be available within 15 minutes to half an hour.
It’s important to note that these tests are not as reliable in asymptomatic individuals.
We currently have the following job postings on Indeed.com.
- LPN – Detox
- Community Outreach & Marketing
- Registered Dietician (PT)
- Medical Assistant
- Front Desk Associate
- Medical Billing Specialist
- Therapist
- Adult Behavioral Health IOP Facilitator
- Adolescent Behavioral Health IOP Facilitator
- Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
- Addictions Medicine Physician
We’re growing! Spread the word – Sage is THE place to be! Please share with qualified applicants who might be interested, and encourage them to apply. Tell your friends, your cousins, yo momma- anyone who needs a job.
Quotes of the Month
From the Sage Health and Wellness Blog
Social Media
You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Follow us on these platforms to join in on the conversation.
If you are interested in learning more about our services or becoming a patient, please contact us today.
Community Outreach & Marketing Coordinator
Lydia is a creative marketing specialist with a passion for helping others. Originally from Indianapolis, Indiana, she graduated from IUPUI in 2018 with a degree in media production. Since then, she has helped both large and small businesses and organizations promote their services through social media management, videography & photography, and designing marketing materials.
Read Lydia’s Full Bio | Browse All Articles Written by Lydia Abshire