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The Sage Digest: January 2021 Edition

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2021 Brings A Fresh Start

COVID-19 has made a massive impact on the world. It has contributed to pain and suffering. It has contributed to self-discovery and social awareness. Last year was pretty crap either way- let’s be honest. However, we don’t need to bring that negative energy into the new year. While we are still very much in a pandemic, semi-normal life is on the horizon. Both the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccine are currently being distributed across the country. There will be a new president sworn into office. If those things don’t matter to you, maybe there’s something else you can look forward to. Make a plan to do something that sparks joy!

This year, don’t put so much pressure on yourself to make New Year’s resolutions. You have survived 2020! Maybe just let yourself recover from that. Remember: It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to cut yourself some slack.

Bye 2020

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice.”
– T.S. Eliot

What’s New at Sage?

We Added New Providers to Our Team

Dr. Emily Deaton

Dr. Deaton is our new Primary Care doctor!

Nancy Roope, LMSW, PMHNP-BC

“Being a social worker and a psychiatric nurse practitioner allows me to mix medicine with the complex world of psychosocial services.  It serves to remind me always that I am serving people and not conditions or diagnoses.  I’m serving someone’s mother, father, brother, sister, loved one and I strive to do that to the best of my ability.”

Mary “Kathleen” Martinez, ARPN-CNP

Kathleen is a medication management provider who aims to provide a holistic approach to patients with psychiatric diagnosis. She typically sees patients who are adolescents or young adults.

Announcement: Construction at the Sage Facilities

We are currently expanding our Primary Care clinic to include new exam rooms and more offices for new Primary Care providers. We are also making more space in the clinic for detox services. Business will continue as usual during this expansion.

Expanding Addiction Services to Rural Communities in NM

One of Sage Neuroscience Center’s top priorities is enhancing the way we deliver behavioral and physical health care services to our communities in New Mexico. Substance use remains a serious public health issue. Rural New Mexicans are at a significant disadvantage with unequal access to care and treatment for alcohol and drug-related problems. Sage Neuroscience Center wants to help increase that access by making available (in-person or remotely via telehealth) the following services to rural New Mexico:

  • MAT (Medically-Assisted Treatment): Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex), Naltrexone (Vivitrol), Sublocade, etc.
  • Outpatient Detox Services for Substances (Opioids, Benzodiazepines, Alcohol, Methamphetamines)
  • Psychiatric Medication Management
  • Psychosocial Therapy Assessment
  • Individual Therapy
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for Substance Use
  • Aftercare Group Therapy (Seeking Safety, Relapse Prevention)
  • Dedicated Staff for Patient Advocacy and Coordination of Care with Treatment Providers
  • Patient Advocates to facilitate transportation and lodging if necessary

Contact us today for more information!

Important Dates

January is…

  • Get a Balanced Life Month
  • International Creativity Month
  • Self-Love Month
  • Blood Donor Month
  • Dry January

COVID-19 Updates at Sage

COVID-19 Precautions

At the time of writing this, the cases of COVID-19 have surpassed over 100,000 cases of the virus. The state has adopted a “Red to Green” model of reopening the state which you can read about on here.

As the governor is tightening restrictions here in New Mexico, we are continuing to do our part by providing the safest care possible. While we are still doing online appointments, we’re being very careful in the office with hygiene, distance, and masks.

We are still limiting our capacity for our in-person IOP. We can only have five people in a room at a time.

On-going Precautions At Sage

  • We will continue to check temperatures for all patients, staff, and providers coming into the office.
  • We have installed plexiglass at each of the check-in desks and the pharmacy.
  • We have added 6ft apart stickers on the floor for check-in lines to comply with social distancing.
  • All individuals must wear masks inside of the clinic.
  • If you have any shortness of breath, fever, cough, or loss of smell, please stay home!


Thank you for your continued patience and adherence to these changes.

Quote of the Month

Maybe your goal for the next year is getting the help you need. If you are interested in knowing more about our services, visit our updated service overview page here.

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”
– Oprah Winfrey

From the Sage Health and Wellness Blog

How to Achieve Your New Year Resolutions by Developing Healthy Habits

How to Achieve Your New Year Resolutions by Developing Healthy Habits

This dreadful, chaotic year we have experienced has come to an end. FINALLY! Traditionally, the end of the year is a time of reflection. Across the globe, people take a moment to look over everything that happened during the past 12 months and start to envision what the following year might bring.

Read More

For more information about our services, contact us today at

1 (505) 884-1114

Our mission is to provide comprehensive behavioral health and substance use treatment to the community.  We empower individuals to achieve health, wellness and recovery.