Every New Year millions of people decide to “change” something about there lives.  New Years resolutions are a great way to reflect on life and adjust your course ever so slightly.   We asked some of the staff at sage what they thought about New Years resolutions.  Here are just a few of the responses we got.  (more to come in the next blog post).

My yoga teacher taught me that two minutes a day is far better than 5 hours in one day per week. Take two minutes a date to breathe and treat yourself to a regular pattern of self care.

everyday at the end of the day sit down and write down three good things that happened that day. try to make sure they are different things every day

Throw a dart at a map and plan a trip to wherever it hits.

remember what you used to like to do and make it happen again. try something new. notice the positives/what went well all day every day.



lynn thompson


Everyday ask and share with a family member, friend or co-worker the high and low points of the day

Laugh everyday Sing once a day Hold the door for someone Volunteer some time Do nothing

My new years resolution is to replace the word or words “I can’t or cannot” with “I wont be able to or I will not”

Do each and every thing a little better-with a little more focus than you did before.


How about you?

Leave a comment and let us know about your resolutions, goals and any tips that you have.