Thank you for Signing the Patient Complaint & Grievance Process Step 4: Consent for Treatment of a Minor Please continue by completing the consent for treatment of a minor.By signing below, I/we agree to the practice policies of Sage Neuroscience Center (as laid out in Practice Policies) for the treatment of my minor child with the following additional items: * Information gained from sessions will be shared between patient (minor) and parent(s)/guardian(s) listed on this form only.* Each session may consist of time spent in part with patient only and in part with patient and parent(s)/guardian(s).* Information gained from session with patient-only that is not directly linked to emergencies, dangerousness to self or others, or crucial aspects of care given by parent(s)/guardian(s), will not be shared with parent(s)/guardian(s) without the patient’s consent (verbally or written).* Most psychiatric medications prescribed for minors have not been FDA approved for treatment (“off label use”) of minors due to ethical/logistic concerns of pharmaceutical manufacturers, but will be used based on consensus opinion of practicing psychiatrists working with children and adolescents.* Psychiatric medications prescribed will be approved by all parties involved: the doctor, the patient, and parent(s)/guardian(s).By signing this form, I authorize Sage Neuroscience Center and its providers to recommend and prescribe treatment for my minor child. I understand that “off label use” of medications carries inherent risks and I have discussed these with the doctor. I also realize I retain the right to refuse medication at any time. I also acknowledge stopping medication carries inherent risks, and I will discuss this with the doctor before doing so. Minor Name* First Last Minor Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Signature of Minor1. Parent / Guardian Name* First Last Signature of Parent / Guardian 1*2. Parent / Guardian Name First Last Signature of Parent / Guardian 2CAPTCHA