Thank you for submitting the Primary Care Patient Consent form. Step 3: Patient Complaint and Grievance Process Please continue by reviewing and signing the Patient Complaint and Grievance Process form below.Thank you for signing the Patient Services Agreement. Step 3: Patient Complaint and Grievance Process Please continue by reviewing and signing the Patient Complaint and Grievance Process form below.PATIENT COMPLAINT AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS Purpose: Sage Neuroscience Center supports clients and their families acquire the skills to self-advocate. A client has the right and responsibility to inform his or her clinician, administrative staff of any concerns or issues with his or her delivery of services. In this way, a client learns and refines his or her skills to continue self-advocacy throughout the times he or she utilizes services. Policies: Sage Neuroscience strives to be responsive to the complaints of clients, their families or guardians, and members of the community. Sage Neuroscience provides opportunities for these individuals to express concerns or issues that may arise with any aspect of service from Sage Neuroscience. Clients have the right to be treated ethically, professionally, and with respect by all Sage Neuroscience Center staff. All clients have the legal right to: Refuse services; Seek alternative behavioral health services elsewhere; and Address complaints and grievances by following Sage Neuroscience Center internal grievance process. Upon admission to any service, individuals and families are informed of the Grievance Procedure. At this time they sign the Admissions Form that delineates that they have received a copy of the Grievance Policy. Any individual may express a complaint at any time with any employee. The complaint is to be documented on the Complaint Form, and can be filled out either by Sage Neuroscience staff or the person making the complaint. If an individual does not feel comfortable expressing a concern or complaint with a particular staff, they are encouraged to talk with any other staff at Sage Neuroscience regarding the complaint. In addition, the person with the complaint will be given the name and contact information for the Quality Improvement Director as someone with whom they can directly lodge their complaint. As appropriate, the Business Support Manager, Clinical Director, and/or Medical Director will be notified of the complaint by the Quality Improvement Director. It is expected that many complaints will be handled through avenues such as interfacing with Sage Neuroscience staff at the administrative level, through phone calls to a Director or Manager, or staff person, individual conferences, group meetings, therapy and other sessions. The person making the complaint will be notified of the result or resolution of the original complaint, excepting If a complaint cannot be resolved, and the complainant wishes to file a formal grievance, the Sage Neuroscience employee follows the chain of command and notifies the appropriate Director or Manager of the expressed grievance, as well as the Quality Improvement Director (or designee). The Quality Improvement Director will coordinate efforts to investigate the grievance, and will work with concerned parties for resolution. All concerned parties will be notified of the response. Any individual that is dissatisfied with the response may appeal to the Medical Director. A summary of any grievance and the agency’s response will be maintained in the Quality Improvement Department. If a client is dissatisfied with the result of the grievance, the client may file a grievance through her or his MCO. Sage Neuroscience will provide assistance in this process to clients that request it. i. Any employee who has been the subject of a grievance may request a hearing on that grievance with a Clinical Director and/or the Medical Director. If the employee wishes and it is deemed appropriate, a request for arbitration under the employee grievance procedure may be made. If the client has concerns, complaints, or grievances about his or her Sage Neuroscience Center services, which are not related to a proposed adverse action by the Medical Assistance Division (MAD) or its contracted managed care organizations (MCO). If the client is not satisfied with Sage Neuroscience Center response, he or she has other remedies: If the services are paid by the Children, Youth and families Department (CYFD) the number is 505-827-8008. If the services are paid by the Human Services Department (HSD) Behavioral Health Services Division the number is 505-476-9266. If the services are provided through a MCO call the client’s MCO member services number: Blue Cross Blue Shield 866-689-1523 Molina Health Care 877-373-8986 Presbyterian Health Plan 505-923-5200 or 888-977-2333 United Healthcare Community Plan 877-236-0826. If the services are paid through the MAD Fee-for-Service Plan (FFS), call at 888-997-2583, ext. 7-3118 or call 505-827-3118, ask to be connected to the Behavioral Health FFS Program Manager. Name* First Last Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Signature*CAPTCHA