Effect Mother’s Antidepressant Response has on Children

The conversation surrounding mental health is changing. Where it was once taboo to talk openly about one’s encounters with mental illness, we now know that it is normal and healthy to talk about the feelings you experience. Going to therapy has become widely accepted, and many patients freely disclose their therapy routine to others. “Mental […]

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services in Albuquerque

Our Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Services There is nothing shameful about experiencing addiction. Though it may feel like an isolating experience, struggling with addiction is more common than you may think. In fact, nearly 20 million Americans experienced addiction in 2017 alone. The process of recognizing and helping addiction is different for everyone, and unfortunately, […]

Is Addiction a Disease or a Choice?

What really is addiction? The term has become one of the most loaded and stigmatized words in medical science. Society has long seen addiction as a preventable collapse of judgment.They see people with addictions as individuals who aren’t strong enough to break out of a bad habit because they lack the self-control to stop pursuing […]

The Sage Digest: March 2021 Edition

1 Year of COVID-19 One year ago, our world was turned upside down. As the media kept saying, we were hit with “unprecedented times”. We scrubbed our hands, stocked up on toilet paper, and took hand sanitizer everywhere we went. We baked bread, watched (a lot of) Netflix, gave ourselves bad haircuts, and learned how […]

Breaking Unspoken Rules: Life Is Too Short To Be Someone Else

My head is bald…I am a woman…in mid-life…I have not received chemotherapy. What unspoken or spoken rules came up as you read those words? What emotions are you feeling, if any? I broke unspoken rules by shaving my head several months ago and feel better for it. I have more energy, feel better about myself, […]

Simple Tips to Relieve Stress

We live in a naturally stress-inducing society- even when we’re not in the midst of a global pandemic. Stress relief isn’t a one size fits all thing. Everyone has their own way of coping with stress. Some people wind down by kicking off their shoes and watching TV after a long day of work. Some […]

What Is Major Depressive Disorder?

Like many aspects of the medical world, mental health treatment is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Under the umbrella of major mental illness diagnoses, there are many more specific conditions, which often describe individuals’ experiences in more detail and lead to more accurate treatment. Under the category of depression lies one such condition, major depressive disorder, […]