The Best Treatment-Resistant Depression Options Today

Depression is a condition that is typically treated with medication, therapy, or both. It is often managed very well with the proper treatment, however, there are instances when depression does not respond fully or even partially to these common treatment options. This type of depression is considered treatment-resistant depression and it affects different people for […]

Refer A Patient

Information for Referring Providers and Partners For over 15 years now Sage Neuroscience Center has been helping child, adolescent, and adult patients with addiction, detox, and behavioral health issues such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Providing the best possible care for our clients is crucial, but we cannot do it alone. It’s important to collaborate […]

What’s the Difference Between Mindfulness and Meditation?

It can be all too easy for many of us to conflate the ideas of mindfulness and meditation—this can become especially confusing for people because the terms, themselves, are often used interchangeably. So, as we’re sure you’re asking: Is there even a difference between mindfulness and meditation? The simple answer is that, yes, there is […]

How CBT Helps Treat Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is currently implemented in mental health treatment/wellness facilities across the country. It often leads to substantial enhancement in the quality of life for many people who had otherwise been suffering for years. This therapy is especially beneficial for those who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addiction. Established by Dr. Aaron […]

What Is Normal? 

In the scientific method, testing is required to see if a hypothesis is sound or not. As such, in testing one’s hypothesis, a control is used to measure the rest of the variables against in order to come up with meaningful data. This is something most all of us learn in school in science class. […]

Healing Through The Grief of Lost Time

In our society, there’s a common misconception that grief is sadness. This is most likely due to the fact that we have an ingrained societal tendency to utilize grief and mourning as coping skills to help us deal with death. In practice, however, humans grieve and mourn every loss of something important to them, whether […]

Introducing Comprehensive Care at Sage Clinic

If the past year has shown us anything, it is the importance of supportive mental health care. One of the bright spots in the pandemic was the normalization of the conversation around mental health. With everyone experiencing some level of anxiety, mental health issues were no longer something to be ashamed of or something that […]

Suboxone and Other Drugs Used in Opioid Addiction Detox

Opioids are a class of drugs that include the illegal drug heroin as well as prescription pain relievers like fentanyl, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, and many others. These drugs interact with nerve receptors in the body and brain and produce euphoria and pain relief. For medical use, they are first prescribed by a physician for treatment of […]

Post-Isolation Syndrome

This quarantine has been hard on everyone. While our poor extroverted friends have spent the past year lacking the social interaction they need to thrive, a significant number of people have found themselves becoming more introverted over time spent in isolation. Now, as New Mexico begins lifting restrictions on a fairly strict lockdown, many residents […]

How EMDR Can Literally Change Your Mind 

Though social media outlets often make life seem perfect for many people, we all go through struggles at one time or another. For some people, these struggles come and go and don’t result in any lasting trauma. However, many others experience lasting symptoms resulting from a traumatic experience. This can manifest in many different ways, […]