Addiction Recovery Aftercare Support Group in Albuquerque

The Benefits of Addiction Recovery Aftercare Support Groups Seeking treatment for alcohol and drug addiction is an important, life-changing decision for someone struggling with a Substance Use Disorder. Treatment can help someone struggling with addiction rebuild their life, offering a turning point in learning to live with their addiction. But treatment is just the first […]

Medically Assisted Treatment & Outpatient Detox in Albuquerque

Do You Need Medically Assisted Treatment? Substance use disorder occurs when you develop a reliance on drugs, alcohol, or another substance that leads to health issues, disruption of work or school, or trouble within a relationship. This somewhat common disorder can exert an extremely powerful influence upon you that can take over nearly every aspect […]

Substance Use Disorder Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program in Albuquerque

Overcoming Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Disorders Substance use disorder is a severe condition that is extremely difficult to fight on your own. Fortunately, there’s hope – Sage Neuroscience Center offers a number of treatment options designed to give you your best chance at a successful recovery. For most people, the process involves crafting a […]

Find Your Calm In The Storm

  The inauguration coverage this weekend stirred up strong emotions on both sides of the party line. Whether good or bad, in your opinion, it served as a powerful reminder that change at any scale can mean stress. A study called the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory lists 43 events that can cause stress in your life […]

Resolve to Increase Connections

If you make one New Year’s Resolution this year, let it be for more meaningful connections. Is the yearly resolution to lose 20 pounds already looking bleak and you’re just ten days in? That was my story for a long time too. So, for the past few years, I have made loosely structured goals that […]

What Is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a well-researched and proven effective treatment for trauma. Often utilized as a treatment option for those with PTSD in addition to talk therapy(psychotherapy) or other forms of treatment. The term EMDR comes up frequently as a possible treatment, but what is it exactly? It is a very experiential […]

Sage Celebrates National Recovery Month

For Decades, New Mexico has had some of the highest drug overdose incidents in the nation. According to Healing Addiction in our Community (, New Mexico is number two in the country for unintentional overdose deaths. This devastating statistic is a firm reminder that our work in addiction services, and the quality work of thousands […]

11 Depression Management Tips

Here are 11 tips for managing depression.  Even if you don’t suffer from depression, consider adding one of these into your regular routine to fortify your behavioral health. Socialization Studies show individuals with family, community, and/or church support fare better through mental illness struggles. Group therapy may be a beneficial method of building social skills. […]

Intensive Outpatient Program for Behavioral Health Now Available in Albuquerque

June 1st marked the official start date of our Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient Program (BHIOP).  We are excited to have developed and launched such an important service, which to our knowledge, is the only intensive outpatient program of its type in Albuquerque. Who is a good fit for an Intensive Outpatient Program? The Behavioral Health Intensive […]

Child Abuse in New Mexico

When we examine the gaps between the definition of Child Abuse in the Children’s Code (NM State Law on the subject) and the investigation techniques of Social Workers at C YFD and the officers of APD, it is easy to see why so many cases of abuse go unrecognized and unsubstantiated. The result is unnecessary […]