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Guided Mindfulness Meditation

What is Mindfulness Meditation?

Mindfulness meditation is a form of mental hygiene that promotes self-awareness of thought, emotion, and physical sensation which increases insight. Day to day we experience a racing mind and racing lives that create our disconnection to self- which turns into much suffering. It is also the study of the self.

The more we meditate, the more we learn about who we are- or actually who we think we are because we learn what our minds are telling us to look at. It is a beautiful process of inner exploration when we become our inner researchers.

Neuroscience is showing that meditation is super important because it generates neuroplasticity. Thanks to neuroplasticity (which is basically the capacity for the brain to change and form new neural pathways), we can change old negative patterns of the mind and brain into new ways of thinking and behaving. Meditation allows us to clear and cleanse our minds, our hearts, and our consciousness. It also helps regulate the central nervous system, and consequently, emotions. It develops focus attention.

Through practice, we can reach higher levels of focus attention which will benefit our mental health tremendously. Mindfulness meditation practice starts on the cushion but the idea is to extend the practice throughout the day and be mindful in any activity. As the practice evolves, we begin to sense a higher inner connection as well as interconnection with all. People with any religious background or not find that it enhances their connection.

Practice Mindfulness with Our Guided Meditation Videos

Breath and Body Meditation

Body Scan Meditation by Elena

Morning Meditation

Judgement-Free Meditation

Patience Meditation

Breath Meditation

Middle of the Night Meditation

Refresh Meditation

Loving Presence Meditation

Meditation FAQ’s

How often should I meditate?

We love meditating, for us, it is a very intrinsic part of daily life. We love the state of beingness as we practice it. We believe that the more we meditate the better. Daily practice is ideal in order to sustain neuroplasticity, the brain loves repetition and consistency. We think even a 5-minute daily practice to start with is fantastic! Just gradually increase the time.

Instant benefits of meditation and benefits over time.

The instant benefit of meditation is we finally feel we can breathe as we begin to slow down our racing minds. We can begin to calm down the sympathetic nervous system, the vagus nerves, the endocrine system and the ripple effect of all of this on the entire body is significant. People will experience, lower levels of stress, better sleep, better metabolism, better blood pressure, more responsive vs reactive, increase in concentration, more positive thoughts, more kindness, more tolerance, less physical conditions, etc. The list goes on! The benefits of meditation over time could be overcoming physical and mental conditions if combined with other healing modalities as well.

Different ways to meditate.

There are so many different forms and styles of mediation. Ideally, try and see what resonates with your heart. The point is to practice. There are some research studies that suggest not to practice focusing on the breath if suffering from severe depression and anxiety. We recommend other forms of meditation to our clients since it is one of the main components in our psychotherapy practice. The key is to promote focused attention while keeping attention within.

We can have focus awareness by paying attention to an object; something we see, the breath, a physical sensation, thought, emotion, sound, a word, etc. Or, we can have open awareness and sense thought, physical sensation, emotion, and the environment- all at the same time. We highly recommend body scan meditation which eventually will help connect with physical sensations as well as emotions.

Silent meditation vs. guided meditation?

We think perhaps guided meditation would be more suited for beginners and ideally move into silent meditation. There is no right or wrong answer really. The most important is to practice and from there, follow your inner guidance. We prefer silent meditation because it allows more internal exploration of thought, physical sensation, emotion, etc.

How meditation helps with certain mental health conditions

It appears to me that many of our mental health conditions stem from a lack of focused attention and lack of inner connection. Therefore, the more we can entrain our mind and brain to focus and sense inward, the better our mental health.

How do I get started with meditation?

There are a great variety of meditation centers where one can explore and find what resonates with one’s heart or be guided by somebody with experience. We think it is important to have some guidance when beginning this practice. Oftentimes there are misconceptions about it. One of them is meditating with a goal which is actually the opposite of this practice.

Are you new to meditation? Focus and stay consistent with your practice! Practice, practice, and practice, and on the way, be kind and gentle with yourself. Eventually, you will harvest the fruits of self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-love, and joy. Keep going.

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1 (505) 884-1114

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