Find Your Courage

We are proud of the statement, “Find Your Courage.”

Not a lot can be said in 30 seconds so we wanted to tell you all the other things we wanted to say:

  • It takes a great deal of courage and strength for us to recognize our weaknesses and reach out for help.  Chemical dependency is rife with shame, guilt, and isolation which are also some of the primary drivers to return to substance.  Sage Neuroscience Center wants to recognize the struggle each person brings and honor the courage it takes to reach out for help.
  • It takes a lot of courage for someone to show up to Sage and ask for help.  I admire every person’s fortitude to overcome so many obstacles that may be working against them.
  • There is so much beauty in a person that can be hidden away by the addiction.
  • So often the addiction may be too hard to break without medical support.  Physical withdrawal can push someone back into use over and over again.  It is rewarding to help someone find relief even within a few hours.
  • It takes that first call.  The courage is there, we simply have to foster it.

So, if you are here, reading this, and you know you or someone who needs assistance with drug or alcohol abuse, give us a call.

Click here for more information about our addiction services.

505 884 1114