Well, actually, we know exactly where it went. It has been swallowed up by Coronavirus herself. Times have been pretty bleak but there is hope on the horizon. At the time of writing this, there are a couple effective COVID-19 vaccines out there that are currently awaiting FDA approval.
While we wait for the world to stabilize, it is important to be considerate of others by taking the proper precautions to prevent transmission. Hang in there! Keep your distance, wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep your circle small.
“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.”
– Nelson Mandela
What’s New at Sage?
We have a brand new website!
We are so excited that this new site has finally come together after a lot of hard work from our team. Our website includes a mediation guide tab and free mental health resources if that’s something you’re interested in.
Sage Neuroscience Center will transition to using Zoom for our Telehealth services December 14, 2020.
New Provider:
Alison De La Concepción, LMHC
Alison completed her undergraduate degree in December 2017 at the University of New Mexico. She received a Bachelors of Science in Family Studies with a minor in Psychology. She also recently completed her Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Northern Arizona University. A fun fact about her is she’s left-handed!
Construction at Sage
We are currently expanding our Primary Care clinic to include new exam rooms and more offices for new Primary Care providers. We are also making more space in the clinic for detox services. Business will continue on as usual during this expansion.
Expanding Addiction Services to Rural Communities in NM
One of Sage Neuroscience Center’s top priorities is enhancing the way we deliver behavioral and physical health care services to our communities in New Mexico. Substance use remains a serious public health issue. Rural New Mexicans are at a significant disadvantage with unequal access to care and treatment for alcohol and drug-related problems. Sage Neuroscience Center wants to help increase that access by making available (in-person or remotely via telehealth) the following services to rural New Mexico:
MAT (Medically-Assisted Treatment): Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex), Naltrexone (Vivitrol), Sublocade, etc.
Outpatient Detox Services for Substances (Opioids, Benzodiazepines, Alcohol, Methamphetamines)
Psychiatric Medication Management
Psychosocial Therapy Assessment
Individual Therapy
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for Substance Use
Aftercare Group Therapy (Seeking Safety, Relapse Prevention)
Dedicated Staff for Patient Advocacy and Coordination of Care with Treatment Providers
Patient Advocates to facilitate transportation and lodging if necessary
Call us today for more information!
What’s Going on This Month
There are a few important things to be aware of this month:
National Stress Free Holidays Month Now this one might be a bit tough given the circumstances. Here are some ways to relieve stress this holiday season: Boundaries – Put boundaries in place for your loved ones. Let it be known what you want, where you draw the line, and offer a compromise when you can.
Boundaries are especially important during a pandemic. People might want you to go to a big family celebration. It’s okay to say no. If your job gives you time off for a holiday, take that time for yourself. Resist the temptation to check emails during holiday vacation! It can wait. Boundaries are an important part of self-care any time of the year, not just the holiday season.
Take care of yourself first. You can’t take care of anyone else until you’ve got yourself sorted out. It’s also difficult to be fully present with loved ones if you’re not in the right headspace. Take time for you.
We said this in the last newsletter but it still applies; don’t wait until the last minute to buy gifts! Make a list, check it twice, and get it over with. The process of giving can be enjoyable if you take your time. Start wrapping presents as early as possible too. You’ll thank yourself later when you can enjoy the days leading up to Christmas or Hanukkah instead of staying up late wrapping gifts.
Human Rights Day – December 10th
Human rights day is all about, you guessed it, the rights of human beings.
This day is a time to reaffirm the importance of human rights in re-building the world we want. We must recognize that things will only get better for marginalized communities if we combat the entrenched, systematic, and intergenerational inequalities, exclusion and discrimination within them.
On-going COVID-19 Updates at Sage
At the time of writing this, the cases of COVID-19 have surpassed over 100,000 cases of the virus. The state has adopted a new “Red to Green” model of reopening the state which you can read about here. As the governor is tightening restrictions here in New Mexico, we are continuing to do our part by providing the safest care possible. While we are still doing online appointments, we’re being very careful in the office with hygiene, distance, and masks.
We are still limiting our capacity for our in-person IOP. We can only have five people in a room at a time.
On-going Precautions
We will continue to check temperatures for all patients, staff, and providers coming into the office.
We have installed plexiglass at each of the check-in desks and the pharmacy.
We have added 6ft apart stickers on the floor for check-in lines to comply with social distancing.
All individuals must wear masks inside of the clinic.
If you have any shortness of breath, fever, cough, or loss of smell, please stay home!
Thank you for your continued patience and adherence to these changes.
Quote of the Month
This month is a time of reflection on 2020. While the world was struggling, what happened in your life? What were some of the good things? How did you cope with the bad? What are your goals for the next year? You don’t have to make a big deal about “New Year’s Resolutions” but going into the new year with a positive mindset never hurt anyone, especially after this tragic year.
Maybe your goal for the next year is getting the help you need. If you are interested in knowing more about our services, visit our updated service overview page here.
“For Christmas this year, try giving less. Start with less attitude. There’s more than enough of that in the world as it is – and people will usually just give it back anyway!”
– Anne Bristow
From the Sage Blog
TMS for Treatment-Resistant Depression
TMS is a safe, effective, non-invasive treatment method using magnetic stimulation of specific brain regions. It is one of the most advanced treatment options available today and is the only FDA-approved depression treatment that does not require medication or surgery.
Our mission is to provide comprehensive behavioral health and substance use treatment to the community. We empower individuals to achieve health, wellness and recovery.