
We are excited about our new collaboration with Genoa, who will be opening a full service pharmacy here at Sage by Fall of 2015. The pharmacy will be located at the East side of the Main Lobby and will be available for use by our patients.

If You Are a Patient Here at Sage, Genoa Pharmacy Can:

  • Fill all your medications
  • Provide a convenient on-site location that saves you a stop
  • Assist with insurance plans and questions, including Medicaid and Medicare
  • Provide medication delivery options (pick-up or mail)
  • Dispense your medications in Convenient Adherence Packaging so that they are easier to take
  • Personalize service to fit your needs
  • Transfer prescriptions to the Genoa pharmacy for you

We will keep you updated when we know the pharmacy’s official opening date.

Thank you for your patience during our construction!